NMVW – Behavioral Detective: Identifying And Addressing Behavior With Children And Youth
Join Louisa Libertelli-Dunn, Director of Operations at Peace Place, for a deeper dive into understanding and responding to behavior of children and youth. The behavioral detective is a method of looking at behaviors in different lights to analyze the main function and underlying function of behaviors in individuals. This system can be used by parents and professionals of all levels. This is an easy-to-follow and simple-to-implement plan, designed to give the provider confidence and decrease anxiety in the individuals. The ultimate goal and desired outcome is to build and maintain a positive relationship. All the while, decreasing stress and increasing regulatory behavioral abilities in all types of individuals. In this workshop, we review the concepts of MEATS and how this relates to the function of behaviors. Real-life and time suggestions are provided to increase positive behavioral patterns in all. This training is FREE and open to the public – anyone who works or lives with children will benefit!
Register for Certificate of Attendance: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/behavioral-detective-identifying-and-addressing-behaviors-tickets-553262030627
Register to attend by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvdOugrDojEtdRK71oOwQ61CKuJr6a-0I8