NMVW – Navigating the Harm of Tech-Enabled Trauma: A Professional Development Workshop with EndTab.org
We are thrilled to welcome Adam Dodge of EndTab to Great Falls! This digital safety training is geared for professionals working with children and youth. An interactive workshop, it will focus on knowledge building around demystifying gender-based violence in the digital age, navigating the harm of tech-enabled trauma and building skill development in verifying and addressing allegations of tech-facilitated abuse as well as tech-savvy safety planning. Welcoming EndTab to Montana is an opportunity you will not want to miss! Lunch will be served for participants attending in-person.
Register here for certificate of attendance: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/navigating-the-harm-of-tech-enabled-trauma-tickets-553570894447
Register here to attend by zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtduihqjMiGtzNPdrrs7JXv1Hnk8ReRSIS