Wild Montana’s Island Range Chapter Picnic
You’re invited to our annual member picnic. It’s a great chance to meet the members of your local chapter and share tales of summer adventures!
Rich Matoon will entertain us, as he has so many times, with his wonderful music. We are excited to have Gene Sentz and Roy Jacobs give us the lowdown on how the Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act was initiated and successfully passed by Congress. In the early 70s these two dedicated conservationists formed the Friends of the Front, worked tirelessly with our congressional staff, and continued to build a successful coalition. Come and hear the history of our wonderful Rocky Mountain Front.
There will also be door prizes!
Please bring a friend, plus a side dish to share, and your own plates, utensils, cups, and chairs. We’ll provide iced tea and water, so BYO other beverages. RSVP with your choice of protein (veggie or beef) to Sara Buley at sarabuley@gmail.com by Monday, Aug. 14.
Can’t wait to see you there!